
We Look Forward to your Membership

Membership is open to anyone with an associate’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university; or from a professionally recognized institution (such as those that grant Registered Nurse degrees), or equivalent. For those whose credentials are based on degree equivalency, please contact our Membership Co-Vice Presidents Mary Ann Takemoto and Faye Alperin for assistance at Undergraduate and Graduate Students are eligible for special student memberships.

With your membership, you can be a part of AAUW Long Beach’s dedication to advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. In additional to holding monthly meetings that feature engaging speakers, we also have many amazing Interest Groups .  Additional benefits of membership can be found HERE

We would love to have you join us!

Check out our Membership Brochure

Ready to join?

PLEASE fill out our online AAUW Branch Membership Application Form using the drop-down menu above or by using  this link

After you submit the Membership Application form, you can pay your dues by using one of the payment options below. You will then be contacted by the Membership VP or a Committee Member.

Regular Member Annual Dues:
$118.00  (National $72  {Fully tax deductible} + State $20 + Branch $26)

Student Annual Dues:

To find out if your institution is an AAUW (C/U) College/University Partner, please contact Membership Co-Vice Presidents Mary Ann Takemoto and Faye Alperin for assistance at

      • Graduate and undergraduate students
        enrolled in a College/University partner institution (most local universities and colleges): $23 (National $0; CA State $10 + Branch $13 paid to AAUW Long Beach) 
        Please contact Membership Co-Vice Presidents Mary Ann Takemoto and Faye Alperin  for assistance at
      • Graduate and undergraduate students
        enrolled in a College/University non-partner institution:  $41.81 (National $18.81; State $10 and Branch $13)

    AAUW Long Beach Payment Options (Regular and Undergraduate and Graduate Students)

    Complete online AAUW National application with credit card HERE
    Click DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT if you are not yet a member or affiliated with AAUW in any way
    2) via Zelle to
    3) mail a check payable to AAUW Long Beach to Dr. Ginny Baxter, PO Box 8313, Long Beach, CA 90808.

    If you have any questions or need a hard copy form, please contact Membership Co-Vice Presidents Mary Ann Takemoto and Faye Alperin at

    Annual need-based assistance is available. Please fill out our Dues Assistance Application form HERE