Interest Groups

Joining an interest group(s) is a great way to get to know other members on a more personal level.  Make friends while participating in fun, informative and educational activities.  If you would like to start a new interest group, submit a description to Co-Presidents Amy La and Carolyn Eagleston.  They will help you move forward with your idea.  

All interest group participants MUST be AAUW Long Beach members! Guests may attend a meeting group or interest group a maximum of three times before they are required to join. Interest groups are for the benefit of AAUW members.  Use this link for information about a specific interest group.

Book Chat Plus normally meets the first Tuesday from 10 am-noon at Lamis’ home. Members present an interesting book they’ve recently read, a film they’ve recently seen or they share about a recent travel experience.   Lamis Hashem, Chair.
Cultural Adventures & International Cuisine Group plans trips to museums and other points of interest several times a year. It is usually a mid-week tour with lunch scheduled. We also plan meals at different ethnic restaurants, usually dinner with an easy drive. Join a group that checks out museums, other interesting locations, and special restaurants.  Contact for Adventures: JoAnn Kuroda, Cultural Adventures Chair. and Faye Alperin, International Cuisine Chair.
Diversity and Inclusion holds monthly meetings to suggest how our branch may be more welcoming and cognizant of different ethnicities and points of view. (This group is currently on hiatus.)
GovTrek:  Leaders will reach out to high school girls interested in learning more about politics, leadership and volunteering. (This group is currently on hiatus.)
Great Decisions Groups are self-moderated groups that meet to discuss issues of world importance, guided by the Great Decisions book published by the Foreign Policy Association. The Great Decisions book highlights nine thought-provoking foreign policy challenges facing America. The program provides materials that help people reach informed decisions on the issues and participate on the foreign policy process and world affairs.  One group meets Friday afternoons and another meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Each person pays for their own copy of the book.  Contact your group leader or Rita Powell to join a group or for more information.
Literary Ladies Group meets to discuss and compare thoughts on a selected book, fiction or non-fiction. The group comes together to hear thoughts and insights from others in the group. Each member takes a turn recommending and leading the group.  We share this information so even if you aren’t able to join us, you have reading suggestions. At this time, we are at capacity.  However,  if you would like to be added to a waiting list, contact Sharon Westafer, .
Public Policy committee explores, discusses and supports the active legislative issues of AAUW at the local, state, national and global levels to empower women and girls. It initiates emails and uses the 2 minute activist to promote legislation protesting civil rights, economic injustice issues and equal access to education. An authorized member of the LA County InterBranch Council, AAUW may collaborate with approved partner organizations to work toward common local and state goals.  (This group is currently on hiatus.)
The Residential Rentals group started in 2009 with 3rd Wednesday 10 am gatherings. It continues as a discussion group on topics relating to residential rentals – things of interest/importance/concerns. We keep each other informed. The group has averaged 10 members over the years. It continues the 3rd Wednesdays in odd months; most often meeting at the dining room table in our homes or ZOOM.   Contact Joan Gustafson or Ellen Mathis.
Under the Umbrella Book Group – meets the 3rd Saturday of the month at 2:00 PM. We read a variety of genres.   Carol Llewellyn, Chair.