Author Archives: longbeach

January 11 2025 Branch Meeting and Program

Celebrate Tech Trek

Valerie Armstrong, Tech Trek Coordinator

Please join us in our celebration of Tech Trek campers, teachers, and volunteers on Saturday, January 11th. A panel of former campers will talk about their experience at Tech Trek and discuss what they learned. In addition, there will be a slide show of camp activities from Whittier College. Since we’re celebrating education, let’s all wear our own college t-shirt or colors.

Tech Trek is a unique opportunity for seventh grade girls to experience a week of college life while participating in hands-on STEM lessons and activities. We should be proud of our branch for providing this opportunity to over 100 deserving students since 1998. This would not have been possible without the generous donations from AAUW Long Beach members.

The January 11th meeting will be our annual Tech Trek fundraiser. We hope to raise enough money to send 12 students to camp at UC Santa Barbara or Whittier College this summer. Tech Trek costs $1200 per camper. For those who would like to donate to Tech Trek, checks should be made out to: AAUW – CA SPF with Tech Trek Long Beach on the memo line. By donating to the SPF fund, your donation will be tax deductible. Checks should be mailed to Tech Trek Treasurer Linda Patten (see her address in the Yearbook).

I would like to thank our wonderful Tech Trek Committee members:
Nicole Gracie, Tech Trek Alumni Coordinator;
Linda Patten, Tech Trek Branch Treasurer;
Tobi Balma, Asst. Camp Director and Dorm Mom at Whittier College;
Anne Supple, former Tech Trek Branch Coordinator; and
Judy Willis, who has many years of experience as a committee member, not only in Long Beach, but also at the Palos Verdes Branch. We also welcome new AAUW Long Beach member Lynne Katz. I am honored to work with such a great team.

We look forward to seeing you in your college T-Shirt or colors on January 11th!

RSVP to Charlotte Joseph at:

Visit our Website for more info:


December 7 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Celebrate the Holidays

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

Join fellow AAUW members and guests in kicking off the Holiday Season with a gathering on Saturday,
December 7 from 10 am—12 pm.

Juliet Wurr has graciously offered to host this annual
event this year and we thank her! To make the brunch
catering easier, members are asked to contribute $15 to cover purchased food and drink. In addition, past presidents will sign up to serve the coffee and wassail (an old historic warm drink customarily served during this season). Try some, you’ll like it! In addition to the traditional fare, we intend to serve foods that are vegetarian and vegan friendly.  Contact Sharifa Batts to volunteer for 20-minute hosting
intervals. Volunteers will also be needed to set up and clean up. Guests are welcome to attend this event and it can be a fun way to introduce people to AAUW. Looking forward to seeing you and meeting some potential new members.

RSVP to Charlotte
Joseph by November 30 (see link below)

Send in your $15 via Zelle or Pay Pal to or pay at
the door.

RSVP at:

Visit our Website for more info: 

November 2 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Women’s Health & Lifestyle Tips

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

AAUW will be hosting Seema Shah and the title of her presentation is “Optimizing women’s health and well-being through nutritional and lifestyle interventions.” She will discuss key nutrient and lifestyle interventions that are important for women’s health and well-being. There will be important take-aways and takehome messages, and about 10 minutes or so for some discussion and Q&A.

About Seema Shah:
I am a Dietitian Health Coach based in Long Beach, CA. I have extensive training and education, including continuing education through two different prestigious functional and integrative nutrition/medicine programs. I also have formal health coach training and experience working as a health coach. I have learned a lot about health and healing over the course of my own health journey, and this direct experience with many of the conditions my clients have gives me valuable insight and first-hand knowledge on how to treat them. I am an expert in helping my clients reach their health goals through making and sustaining diet and behavior changes. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband, and my family and friends, cooking, reading a good book, catching up on my favorite shows, watching movies, doing Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, practicing mindfulness, and volunteering at my local bunny rescue.

Guests are welcome to attend this program that starts at 11:00 AM. Please send in your RSVP to attend the Branch meeting by October 30. See you on Saturday, November 2 at the LBCC
Foundation room 208 for the meeting OR on Zoom. See back page for address.

RSVP at:

October 5 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Voting Information for All

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

Depending on the election year, voters may need to conduct research on oil and gas  regulations, get familiar with decades of tax policy, or examine infrastructure funding. This November, voters will decide the fate of 10 propositions, including crime, health care, rent
control and taxes. There have been many last-minute changes to these propositions which can be confusing to the most knowledgeable voter. At our October 5, 2024 Branch meeting, AAUW will be hosting a team of presenters from the League of Women Voters, Long Beach Area (LWVLBA), to discuss the ballot measures being decided in November. Their presentation will simply explain the ballot measures: what they will do, what will change if approved, what the cost will be, what supporters and opponents are saying about them and the who and how much of the spending on the measures, e.g. where is all the advertising money coming from.

They will discuss all 3 City of Long Beach measures and 3 others of interest to AAUW, and then will take questions. Additionally, our very own AAUW member Tobi Balma will speak about
AAUW’s position on four ballot measures.

**Please bring any voting materials you have received about the measures and all your questions. The Voter Guide can be found HERE.

The LWVLBA is a 100 year-old organization that is political, but non-partisan. They do not support or oppose any candidate or political party.

Guests are welcome to attend this program that starts at 11:00 AM. Please send in your RSVP to attend the Branch meeting by September 30. See you on Saturday, October 5 at the LBCC Foundation room 208 for the meeting OR on
Zoom. See back page for address.

RSVP at:
Visit our Website for more info:

September 7 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Voting Rights for All

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President 

Voter suppression is any attempt to discourage or stop specific Americans from registering to vote or casting their ballot. Specific groups are based on their ethnicity, race, age, politcal affiliation, or other variations of voter’s identies. In the United States, voter suppression has a long and unpleasant history, and over the last two decades it has reappeared with a vengeance. There have been many lawsuits and advocacy as many groups are fighting voter suppression from every angle.

Professor Jodi Balma

On Saturday, September 7, AAUW has the privilege of hosting Jodi Balma for a presentation on Voter Suppression and Election Myths.  Professor Jodi Balma started her career as a professor of political science at Fullerton College in 2000. She has served as the faculty coordinator of the Honors Program since 2012 and was named 2022 Orange County Community College Teacher of the Year.

Professor Balma specializes in American politics and California state and local government. Her goal is to help students learn how to think about politics and community problems with an emphasis on critical thinking and analysis, regardless of political party or ideology. She helps students understand how to become involved with community leaders to find solutions.

Balma is a regular on‐the‐record analyst for newspaper and radio media outlets such as the Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Voice of OC, KNX 1070, KPCC, and NPR. She is actively involved in the League of Women Voters and frequently hosts local candidate forums throughout North Orange County each election cycle. Professor Balma launched a North Orange County focused podcast titled “A Slice of Orange: North Orange County Politics” to help her students and the community learn more about local government.

Guests are welcome to attend this program that starts at 11:00 AM. Please send in your RSVP to attend the Branch meeting by August 30. See you on Saturday, September 7 at the LBCC Foundation room 208 for the meeting OR on Zoom. RSVP at:

Visit our Website for more info: https://longbeach‐

June 1 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

June Installation and Inspiration

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

The June program marks the end of our branch year, celebrates accomplishments of our  current year and introduces the branch AAUW 2024-2025 Officers for the upcoming year. It also brings us to a summer of planning as we start a new year of fabulous AAUW programs.

All members and their guests are invited to join us on Saturday, June 1st as we hold a business meeting and the Installation of Officers. Announcement of the recipients of the Connie Inskeep Award and Named Gift Honoree will also be part of the presentations. We are grateful for the entire incoming Board’s willingness to lead our branch. Congratulations to the incoming Board!

  • Co-Presidents: Carolyn Eggleston and Amy La
  • President-Elect/VP: vacant
  • Program VP: Sharifa Batts
  • Co-Membership VPs: vacant
  • AAUW Fund VP: Ginny Baxter
  • Co-Investment VPs: Deloris Mayuga
  • Co-Treasurers: Darlene Daclan and Tammy Kane
  • Co-Secretaries: Cacilia Kim and Linda Westman

    Please help with vacancies!

At 11am, after the business meeting and installation, we will be entertained by musical partners Pattie and Marc Davidson who will sing and describe their community involvement and love of music discovered later in their lives.

Please make sure to send in your RSVP by May 27, 2024 and join us for the final program of the year! See you on Saturday, June 1st at the LBCC Foundation room 208 for the meeting OR on Zoom.

RSVP at:
Visit our Website for more info:

May 4 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Make MAY a Fun Gathering

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

It is amazing how fast this year has passed and here we are again at the Garden Party time of year. AAUW has been empowering women since 1881. The mission of AAUW is to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. AAUW has worked as a national grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and
their families. And now that we’ve won the fight to give women equal access to education, we’re taking on one of the most defining issues of our time: gender equity.

As the local Long Beach branch of AAUW, our focus is in meeting the vision and mission of AAUW in the greater Long Beach area by providing programs, education, and resources. Come to find out more about our programs.

This May event has always been a good time to invite friends or
acquaintances who might be interestied in finding out more about AAUW. It also allows members to get to know each other better. Our members are ready and willing to explain and “show off” the AAUW mission and goals and are always welcoming to new friends.

Please plan to join us at our May 4 AAUW Garden Party held at
Fay Alperin’s home from 10:00—12:00.
Friends are invited to attend and enjoy the abundant brunch !
Please reserve by April 25th
RSVP at:

Visit our Website for more info:

April 6 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs Nation

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

Join us at our April 6 AAUW meeting. We are excited to have Professor Jodi Balma speak to us about how reproductive rights have been impacted since the June 24, 2022 Supreme Court decision taking away the Constitutional right to abortion.

Professor Balma specializes in American politics and California state and local government. She started her career as a professor of political science at Fullerton College in 2000. She has served as the faculty coordinator of the Honors Program since 2012. She has been awarded Fullerton College Teacher of the Year in 2021 and 2014. She was named 2022 Orange County Community College Teacher of the Year. Her goal is to help students learn how to think about politics and community problems with an emphasis on critical thinking and analysis, regardless of political party or ideology. She helps students understand how they can become involved in working with community leaders to find solutions.

Balma is a regular on-the-record analyst for newspaper and radio media outlets such as the Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Voice of OC, KNX 1070, KPCC, and NPR. California Senator Josh Newman named her as the 2021 Woman of the Year for Senate District 29. She served as the President of the Honors Transfer Council of California from 2013-2017 and remains active in the organization.

She is actively involved in the League of Women Voters and frequently hosts local candidate forums throughout North Orange County each election cycle. Professor Balma launched a North Orange County-focused podcast titled “A Slice of Orange: North Orange County
Politics” to help her students and the community learn more about local government.

Friends are invited to attend the program; please reserve for the meeting held at
LBCC 4900 E. Conant Bldg O2 Room 208

RSVP at:

Visit our Website for more info:

March 2 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Oversight and Accountability

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

Join us at our March 2 AAUW meeting. We are excited to have the recently appointed Director, Francine Kerridge, give an introduction to the city of Long Beach Office of Police Oversight. She will discuss the duties of the office as well as the vision for the newly created Police Oversight Commission. She will discuss the process that created the office, the authority of the office, in addition to how the office will interface with the new commission.

While reporting directly to the Mayor and City Council, Ms. Kerridge will work closely with the Police Oversight Commission, City Manager, Long Beach Police Department Chief and other City Departments, as necessary, to ensure continued accountability, transparency and input from the community regarding the direction of police oversight in the City. “I’m proud to introduce Francine Kerridge as the city’s first Director of Police Oversight,” said Mayor Rex Richardson.

Throughout her extensive career in public safety, Ms. Kerridge previously served in law enforcement for 19 years, and has participated in over 100 public forums to provide professional recommendations and guidance for complaint resolution. Ms. Kerridge brings to the City more than 30 years in public safety leadership and law enforcement combined.

Friends are invited to attend; please reserve for the in-person or the Zoom meeting held at LBCC 4900 E. Conant Bldg O2 #208

RSVP at:

Visit our Website for more info:

February 3 2024 Branch Meeting and Program

Save the Wood, Clean the Air!

Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President

We are looking forward to a different but timely topic for the February meeting. Eric Witten will be our speaker and present on his journey and charitable work in Kenya. He will explain his experience and his success working in Kenya and living with the Maasai people for 6 1/2 months during the lock down for COVID. He is an engineer and is using his skills to drill water wells for the Maasai people in Kenya. He will also speak about sending girls like Karen (see photo) to school, saving the forests, and reducing carbon dioxide. Karen gathers wood to use for cooking.

Eric Witten has a B.S. in Engineering from UCLA and has 40 years of experience in Engineering and Project Management in the upstream oil industry. Eric is also a Long Beach City Commissioner serving on the Board of Examiners, Appeals and Condemnation. He is an Engineering Advisor to the La Habra Heights Fire Department and Building and Safety Department on oilfield safety and oilfield projects. Eric has worked on projects in more than 15 countries around the world. He is a small business owner and has operated his own engineering company based in Long Beach for the past 18 years. He holds 4 patents on mechanical equipment and is an Eagle Scout.

Friends are invited to attend; please reserve for the in-person or Zoom meeting.

RSVP at:
Visit our Website for more info: