Current Officers

Board of Directors 2024 – 2025

The Executive Committee is comprised of the elected officers. The Board of Directors is comprised of the elected and appointed officers.

Elected Officers

Co-Presidents: Carolyn Eggleston & Amy La
President Elect: Vacant
Program Vice President: Sharifa Batts
Membership Co-Vice Presidents:  Mary Ann Takemoto & Faye Alperin
AAUW Fund Co-Vice Presidents: Tobi Balma & Ginny Baxter
Co-Treasurers: Darlene Daclan & Tammy Kane
Investments Vice President: Deloris Mayuga
Co-Secretaries: Cacilia Kim & Linda Westman

Appointed Officers

Communications Director: Vacant
Financial Secretary:  Ginny Baxter
Co-Membership Treasurers: Jointly held by Co-MVP’s & Co-Treasurers
Parliamentarian: Frances Rozner
Public Policy Director: Vacant
Immediate Past President: Denise Montoya

Administrative Chairs

Administrative Assistant: Darlene Daclan
Audit Chair: Vacant
Co-Budget Chairs: Darlene Daclan & Tammy Kane
Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chair:  Maricela de Rivera
Meetings Coordinator: Erin Murphy
Vantage (Newsletter) Editor: Becky Low
Web Manager: Tobi Balma

Committee Chairs & Coordinators

Author’s Luncheon Chair: Ginny Baxter
Courtesy Chair: Charlotte Joseph
Database Coordinator: George Jackson
Door Chair: Carol Clanton
Gov Trek: Vacant
Hospitality Chair: Dee Dee Catalano
*Liaison to the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) at  CSULB: Open
Mailing Chair: Ellen Mathis
Reservations Chair: Charlotte Joseph
Scholarship Committee Chair: JoAnn Kuroda
STEM Conference Co-Chairs: TBA
Tech Trek Chair: Valerie Armstrong
Yearbook Chair: George Jackson
Zoom Manager: Tobi Balma
*College University Representatives (appointed by institutions)
California State University, Long Beach: Beth Lesen & Celia Mejia
Long Beach City College: Erin Murphy

*Not a Board Position

2025-2026 Proposed Slate of Elected Officers
from the Nominations Committee

The following is the proposed 2025-2026 slate of Elected Officers.  This slate will be voted on at the Annual meeting to be held on April 5, 2025.  We will take nominations from the floor prior to the vote, with the prior consent of any nominee.  You may also contact a member of the Nominations Committee to nominate officers.  Nominations Committee: Jane Hansen (chair) Faye Alperin, Jeane Caveness, Carol Clanton, Karen Gustafson, Denise Montoya (advisor).

Elected Officer Nominees and Continuing Officers:

Co-Presidents:  Jane Hansen and Barbara Hall
President-Elect/VP: open
Co-Program VP:  Erin Murphy and Celia Mejia
Co- Membership VP’s: Mary Ann Takemoto and Faye Alperin
AAUW Fund VP: Ginny Baxter
Investment VP: Patricia Ferrer
Co-Treasurers (current 2- year term): Darlene Daclan and Tammy Kane
Co-Secretaries: Cacilia Kim and Linda Westman

The above list of nominees was current as of Feb. 15, 2025.    The Nominations Committee is still working on filling openings.

Updated 3/2/2025