Celebrate the Holidays
Sharifa Batts, Program Vice President
Join fellow AAUW members and guests in kicking off the Holiday Season with a gathering on Saturday,
December 7 from 10 am—12 pm.
Juliet Wurr has graciously offered to host this annual
event this year and we thank her! To make the brunch
catering easier, members are asked to contribute $15 to cover purchased food and drink. In addition, past presidents will sign up to serve the coffee and wassail (an old historic warm drink customarily served during this season). Try some, you’ll like it! In addition to the traditional fare, we intend to serve foods that are vegetarian and vegan friendly. Contact Sharifa Batts to volunteer for 20-minute hosting
intervals. Volunteers will also be needed to set up and clean up. Guests are welcome to attend this event and it can be a fun way to introduce people to AAUW. Looking forward to seeing you and meeting some potential new members.
RSVP to Charlotte
Joseph by November 30 (see link below)
Send in your $15 via Zelle or Pay Pal to aauwlongbeach@gmail.com or pay at
the door.
RSVP at: aauwlongbeach.reservations@gmail.com
Visit our Website for more info: https://longbeach-ca.aauw.net/