Welcome to AAUW Long Beach!

Welcome to Our Website

AAUW Long Beach Co- Presidents Amy La & Carolyn Eggleston

Branch Member Daphne Ching-Jackson to be honored at the Long Beach Soroptimist Club’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. Read about it HERE

Branch Meeting:  Saturday,November 2, 2024
Long Beach City College
Building O2, Room 208
4900 E. Conant St. LB 90808
9:30 am Social Time
10:00-11:00 Business Meeting
Annual AAUW Fund Drive
11:00-12:00 Program
Seema Shah:
Optimizing Women’s Health & Well-being
Through Nutritional & Lifestyle Interventions

This is the month of Thanksgiving, and our opportunity to be thankful for being a member of AAUW.  Please bring your checkbooks to this meeting and consider donating generously! If you have an IRA and receive RMD’s, please consider donating directly from your IRA to lower your taxable net income.
One way to donate is to contribute to AAUW’s Greatest Needs Fund (#9110) which helps support the AAUW’s Mission, website, webinars, programs & projects, as well as its operating costs.  Without the National Organization, there is no AAUW or local branches.  One can donate to the Greatest Needs Fund online HERE or by check.
Checks should be made out to AAUW, with the name and Fund number on the notation line.  If the check comes from your brokerage, make sure your name and AAUW Long Beach are also on the notation line. (Questions? Contact Tobi Balma.)

Here is a listing of frequently used funds and their codes:
9170-Eleanor Roosevelt Fund
4452-Leadership Fund
4451-Governance & Sustainability Fund
4450-Education & Training Fund
4449-Economic Security Fund
3999-Legal Advocacy Fund
Additionally, you may also donate to help close these open California endowments:
4376-DR. R. David & Jessica Miller Fund
4387-Walter & Emily Hackler Research & Projects Grant

Our Program Speaker, Seema Shah is also an AAUW Branch member. There will be important take-aways and take home messages about nutritional health and well-being and about 10 minutes or so for some discussion and Q&A.

Seema Shah bio:
Seema a Dietitian Health Coach based in Long Beach, CA who has extensive training and education, including continuing education through two different prestigious functional and integrative nutrition/medicine programs. She also has formal health coach training and experience working as a health coach. She learned a lot about health and healing over the course of her own health journey, and this direct experience with many of the conditions her clients have gives her valuable insight and first-hand knowledge on how to treat them.  She is an expert in helping her clients reach their health goals through making and sustaining diet and behavior changes. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband, and family and friends, cooking, reading a good book, catching up on her favorite shows, watching movies, doing Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, practicing mindfulness, and volunteering at her local bunny rescue.  

Guests are welcome to attend this program.

To attend please RSVP at: aauwlongbeach.reservations@gmail.com


AAUW is California’s most active and diverse organization
for women seeking to advance equity for women and girls
through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership.
Vision: Gender Equity and Economic Security.
Mission: to advance gender equity for women.
Values: Intersectional. Inclusive.
Intergenerational. Empowering.

AAUW is rated 4 Star Status
By Charity Navigator Charity Navigator!

Download the AAUW 2024 Voter Issue Guide to learn about key issues supporting gender equity so you can cast your ballot for candidates who share your values


AAUW has been empowering women since 1881. The mission of AAUW is advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. For more than 130 years, AAUW has worked as a national grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and their families. And now that we’ve won the fight to give women equal access to education, we’re taking on one of the most defining issues of our time: gender equity.As a local branch of AAUW, our focus is in meeting the vision and mission of AAUW in the greater Long Beach area by providing programs, education, and resources.

We are non-partisan. We have been around since 1920, support opportunities for activism and have monthly program meetings that promote education and equity. not just for women and girls, but also for the City of Long Beach. We strongly value and encourage a diverse membership.  We also have multiple interests groups.

You’ve come to the right place if you,

  • have an Associate Degree or higher (or Equivalent), or are a college or University student
  •  believe in Pay Equity, Voting Rights, a woman’s choice to make health decisions about her own body, and equal rights for girls and boys, men and women.

The Long Beach branch is dynamic and engaged in the community.  We look forward to 2024-2025 as a year of change and growth. We want to continue the theme of reengaging with members, and expanding our membership by recruiting younger, diverse members who represent Long Beach!

If you are interested in joining, we welcome you to attend our monthly meetings and to contact our Membership Vice Presidents Faye Alperin and Mary Ann Takemoto at aauwlongbeach.membership@gmail.com.

Watch this short Video to learn how AAUW is Changing the Climate for Women and Girls.

Please check out our Website.  We would love to have you join us!